Stockholm Resilience Centre ►

Human pressures have eroded the capacity of many of the earth’s ecosystems to deliver services such as food, clean water and regulation of climate. Research carried out at this centre is developing our understanding of ecosystems, offering new tools for their management and governance, and providing advice to decision-makers at both the national and the international level.


  • Duration: 2007–2018
  • Mistra funding: SEK 191.4 million
  • Host: Stockholm University
Events during the year
  • A Planetary Boundaries update was published in the journal Science, summarising where we currently stand in relation to the nine boundaries that must not be crossed if large-scale environmental effects are to be avoided.

  • Researchers from the Centre took part in several events at the Paris Climate Change Conference.

  • The second edition of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on planetary boundaries was organised. These free courses attract thousands of students from around the world.
